Friday, May 31, 2013

Daily Five and CAFE :)

So I've been a busy bee so far this summer. It's only been a week and I have accomplished SO much!  :)
Not only have I been working out a lot (my goal for the summer: to shed a few pounds) but I have also been reading, creating, and printing!
I was implementing the Daily Five in my class room this past year but never actually read the books.  I wasn't actually doing Daily Five correctly just the idea around the centers.  So I decided to check out the books from our school library and read up.  Well I skimmed through both books already and am super excited to use it "correctly" this year! Therefore I got to work creating all of the stuff for my bulletin board.
It took my forever but I finally came up with something that I LOVE!
Here is part of the CAFE board.  I am going to somehow hang the CAFE signs using ribbon or string! 

Click on the picture to get it from my TPT store.

It also helped me decide the color scheme that I'm going to decorate my room in.  Of course I'm sticking with my owls but I'm going to make it super colorful with my focus on the rainbow chevron. :)