Monday, August 26, 2013

Blogger Exchange and Classroom Pics

Ugh, well like usual I got busy and haven't updated my blog in forever.  

Well first things first I've been meaning to blog about the blogger exchange I signed up for. 
I was so excited when my package came in.
Here's all of my goodies!
Brenda over at did an AMAZING job. 

Some colorful supplies to match my room theme. I use colored pens ALL the time. 

I absolutely love love love the owl folders, they are kind of hard to see but are super cute. 
I've decided to use the chevron bag to hold my CAFE cards. 
I'm already using the chevron things organizer and the owl notepad (you can never have enough of those). 
And I have to say I was most excited about the book. I read it the first day of school and my kids really enjoyed it.  :)

Next up is a somewhat tour of my room.  I keep forgetting to take better pictures and I have added a lot since these but I'll just have to update ya soon.

Here is what I walked into. EEK! I was so grateful that my wonderful custodians moved all of this to my new room for me.  It saved me SO much time and energy.  They are seriously wonderful! 

This is my favorite part of my whole room.  I wanted to make crate seats all summer but couldn't find the right fabric. Finally Joann Fabrics got some chevron fabric in stock so of course I got right to work. :)

This is the front of my room. Kind of messy but when you have a small room sometimes you have to deal with the mess I guess...

Manipulatives, 100 Book Challenge books, and the main rug.

I'm liking having my desks in a big row. It gives my small room a lot more room. 

Focus wall

reading spot

Overall I'm happy with how my room came out.  :)

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